Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sock 1

The yarn was sitting there in that strategic position just to the side of the cash register - just like candy in the check-out aisle right at the eye level of my little sugar monsters - I happily succumbed to the retail manipulation -
And here is the beginning of my first sock -

See why I couldn't resist - it looks like those Brach's neopolitan caramel type candies -
I was going full throttle and then I burned out after the heel shaping -

and what is that little hole doing there? Is there a good remedy for that? what did I do wrong?

Anyway, seems that most people knit socks as fun little quick side projects and crank them out like nobody's business - Me, well I'm not so sure I'm feeling the sock love and all that - though all the fun colors and self patterning stuff and the fact that they're so small and portable keep deluding me into thinking that maybe one day I'll feel it - Maybe if I actually get a pair finished and feel them on my feet I'll understand - Oh how I want to feel that sock love - Because I don't doubt that I will continue to run into those tempting little displays at the check-out - and buying yarn just for the sake of looking at it and wanting to eat it, well that's just wrong.