Saturday, April 05, 2008

You're Worth It Mom

I swatched.

Maybe if the knitting police saw this they would haul me in for trying to pass off this puny little swatch impersonator as the real thing, but this totally counts as swatching for me.
I was told swatching and washing were absolutely essential in order to believe that the linen would really soften into something wonderful and drapey - and I really needed a reason to believe after giving up on some hemp yarn which I hadn't swatched and felt in its after softening treatment. And the LYS lady (and yarn reviews) were so right - I just love how this Euroflax Linen looks and feels - I kept waving it around at my husband and saying "see how it shines - and feel this - now feel it in the hank - see how it changes? - and look how it just drapes so gracefully". So much love for my little 3 x 1 1/2" swatch.
I've once again determined to make a top for my mom - her birthday

But I'm halfway done and its just plain stockinette and I'm going to do a couple of inches of some sort of lace at the bottom. And I really want to see a whole garment in this yarn after its been bathed and softened up. I'm sure it will then be a very difficult parting, but I've already kept one sweater intended for mom(size issues and I liked that yarn too) so this time, as difficult as it may be to part with it, I will actually give it to her. And I'll have my little swatch as a consolation prize.

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